DRONESED aims to develop a Spatial Database Infrastructure (SDI) and related service capable to provide near-real time geographical information coming from in-situ, UAV and satellite platforms to assist in the environmental impact analysis of dredging operations.
Executive summary
In the frame of BELAIR one field campaign was organized in september 2014 to gather both in-situ data and drone imagery in the port of Zeebrugge. These drone images are then processed with the assistance of the in-situ data to total suspended material maps.
Data acquisition
In the field, ASD spectroradiometer data was captured to measure the water leaving reflecantance. Also water samples are taken which are analysed in the lab for total suspended material.
During one day 6 UAV flights were carried out with an octocopter drone which mapped an area of around 1ha over the tidal cycle.
No satellite imagery were acquired.